By Vardot Webmaster, CA United States

My dog, Boomer, accidentally got out of the gate when it was not latched properly. I was home inside and didn't realize he had gotten out until about 30 minutes had passed. We live on a busy street and there were cars driving by. I didn't see my dog anywhere and I was afraid that he was lying in the road somewhere. I got in the car to go look for him and I had only gone 1/2 block when my cell phone rang. It was the company. Someone had found him almost a mile away and stopped and called to him. He got in their car and they saw his IDtag. They called the number on the tag and were immediately patched through to me. Within 10 minutes of finding out my dog was missing, I had him back home safe and sound. I am so relieved I had the good sense to register my dog through over a year ago. I am also very impressed with how quickly they were able to locate my dog. Thank you so very much!

I took this picture of Boomer right after I got him home. He was exhausted from all the running he had done. :)