By Vardot Webmaster, CA United States

Miki, a 1/2 boxer and 1/2 Australian Cattle dog, was adopted by her pet parents and is just three years old today. In the city of Longmont, Colorado, one day Miki escaped and got out of the gate. Her pet parent, Antoinette, was on her way out to pick up her kids at school but, left the side gate open for the garbage to be picked up. Twenty five minutes later, she received a call from

"I got the call that someone down the street found her. Your company told me she was missing when I didn't even know my pet was missing. I had no chance to know she was gone because she left out of the side gate by the garbage," Antoinette said.

Once Antoinette was given the finder's information from, she immediately contacted the finder and picked up her pet. She is very happy with the service she was provided with.

"It was faster than you anticipate! I had no idea she was gone, it was amazing!" Antoinette said. "I didn't have to go through the headache that she was missing."